Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14, Text 05 says:
“Material nature consists of three modes – goodness, passion and ignorance. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, he becomes conditioned by these modes.”
There are so many ways that people try to annoy us – they can be forgetful, ignorant, lazy, incompetent, insensitive, doesn’t care or may even try to pull you down, ditch you and so many other things that may hamper you or trigger pain and anger inside you,
but you know what?
If we let ourselves get annoyed by them, we will stay irritated for the rest of our lives.
So let’s understand with the help of Bhagavad Gita wisdom,
how we can actually avoid such irritation and save ourselves? :
It says, we can change our perspective to see people,
but how?
Let’s Understand:
1. Everyone’s mind can react in times of trouble to show or have a will to do evil things to others:
World’s external actions that annoy us and mind’s internal reactions to those actions can conspire to bring the worst out of people. We can even get to a point where we start thinking:
“If I can’t have a good life, what right does anyone have to a good life?”
2. All of us has troublesome mind:
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter06, Text06 says, our mind can be our own inner enemy. Just as others can’t see our physical or mental suffering, we can’t see theirs. Just as our mind can subject us to a private inner hell, so as theirs too can.
3. Everyone has troubles:
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 08, Text 15 says, The world is a tough place. Just as people don’t know the issues we are facing, same is with us, even we don’t know what they are going through. Just like sometimes our issues get to our nerves, similar is the case with them, even their issues sometimes get to their nerves.
So pointing out all these agitations going in people’s mind Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14, Text 05 states that each one of us is bound by the modes of material nature, that can drag us like puppets.
Therefore, after taking this knowledge from Bhagavad Gita,
We can increase our empathy toward others and lower our expectations from them.
What will happen then?
If we follow what is said above, then, if people react with kindness, are thoughtful & responsible, we will be appreciative towards them , or even be amazed & if they aren’t so good, we will be better prepared.
Therefore, if we become more empathic to others’ in their difficult, unpleasant or embarrassing situations, we can set an example that others will pick up, even if not immediately & that’s how we all can help each other make the difficult journey through this difficult world easier, not tougher.