Our life may be full of problems, however we don’t have to be one of them.

Life is full of struggles. We all go through different types of problems. When life throws multiple problems back to back ,  we become overwhelmed, feel hopeless and irritated. How can we avoid making our problems even worst? Life is tough, but we can still avoid making our problems bigger and even worst by understanding …

Read moreOur life may be full of problems, however we don’t have to be one of them.

When reversals darken our world, how does bitterness closes our eyes?

Sometimes we feel that our world has suddenly become dark because of the reversals that come in our life without any fault of ours. Naturally whenever we find our place where there is dim light we try to open our eyes wider in order to find out our way. But suppose instead of opening our eyes wider if we try to close our eyes tightly we will likely perform self destruction.


when we become better we sometimes commit such self-destruction internally. Whenever we let such situations make our life bitter, our mind starts haunting over one question “why is this happening to me?”


Sometimes we may not be able to find any answer that makes sense because we are finite beings living in a complex world. If we let the above question play continuously in our mind, bitterness takes over our entire mental space.


Such bitterness and irritation makes us blind, to the options we still have among those reversals. Bhagavad Gita (18.35) disapproves self disrupting thought patterns as formally ignorant.


How can we open our eyes wider, when our world goes dark?


We can open our eyes wider by changing our question from “why is this happening to me?” to “Since now this is already happened, how can I make things better?.


How can we make things better amid reversals?


Whenever we continuously repeat the question: how can I make things better?, we will gradually find a small things we can do to make things better during difficult times.


How can we make ourselves better during difficult times?


Whenever reversals or difficult situations makes our world dark, bitterness closes our eyes . However, if we strive to open our eyes wider by looking for the ways to make things better, we will at least make ourselves better.


Additionally Bhagavad Gita assures us , we can always pursue something meaningful with everything that happens in our lives. In some situations, it might take some time to confront that what that purpose might be? and how can we pursue that purpose?, but for sure it will reveal itself, if we just keep doing what we can.


If we keep striving with this mantra, we will Discover such layers of resilience we never thought we had, thereby making us better in facing life’s challenges.

Have you ever pushed away the people you needed?: How can you avoid doing it again?

Bhagavad Gita Quotes

Bhagavad Gita Life Lessons   Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 06, Text 06 warns that by destroying our relationships via complaints and our illogical and baseless demands, our mind acts as our enemy.   For example, someone we care is going through tough times. We have often seen that whenever we try to help them, they say, …

Read moreHave you ever pushed away the people you needed?: How can you avoid doing it again?

How does focusing on what we deserve, disempowers us?

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, text 08 Most of us in our lives feel that we don’t get what we deserve. Looking for some recognition and interchange of emotions is a comprehensible human desire,   But,   just because a particular desire or longing can be easily understood, doesn’t guarantees that it will be fulfilled because …

Read moreHow does focusing on what we deserve, disempowers us?

Doing this will escape us from being irritated for the rest of our lives

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14, Text 05

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14, Text 05 says:


“Material nature consists of three modes – goodness, passion and ignorance. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, he becomes conditioned by these modes.”


There are so many ways that people try to annoy us – they can be forgetful, ignorant, lazy, incompetent, insensitive, doesn’t care or may even try to pull you down, ditch you and so many other things that may hamper you or trigger pain and anger inside you,


but you know what?


If we let ourselves get annoyed by them, we will stay irritated for the rest of our lives.


So let’s understand with the help of Bhagavad Gita wisdom,


how we can actually avoid such irritation and save ourselves? :


It says, we can change our perspective to see people,


but how?


Let’s Understand:


1. Everyone’s mind can react in times of trouble to show or have a will to do evil things to others:


World’s external actions that annoy us and mind’s internal reactions to those actions can conspire to bring the worst out of people. We can even get to a point where we start thinking:


“If I can’t have a good life, what right does anyone have to a good life?”


2. All of us has troublesome mind:


Bhagavad Gita, Chapter06, Text06 says, our mind can be our own inner enemy. Just as others can’t see our physical or mental suffering, we can’t see theirs. Just as our mind can subject us to a private inner hell, so as theirs too can.


3. Everyone has troubles:


Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 08, Text 15 says, The world is a tough place. Just as people don’t know the issues we are facing, same is with us, even we don’t know what they are going through. Just like sometimes our issues get to our nerves, similar is the case with them, even their issues sometimes get to their nerves.


So pointing out all these agitations going  in people’s mind Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14, Text 05  states that each one of us is bound by the modes of material nature, that can drag us like puppets.


Therefore, after  taking this knowledge from Bhagavad Gita,


We can increase our empathy toward others and lower our expectations from them.


What will happen then?


If we follow what is said above, then, if  people react with  kindness, are thoughtful & responsible, we will be appreciative towards them , or  even be amazed & if they aren’t so good, we will be better prepared.


Therefore, if we become more empathic to others’ in their difficult, unpleasant or embarrassing situations,  we can set an example that others will pick up, even if not immediately & that’s how we all can help each other make the difficult journey through this difficult world easier, not tougher.

We can’t always control how we feel, but we can control how we act

In our lives, all of us go through situations where our emotions go extremely wild thereby pushing us to react in an impulsive manner. We regret those actions and therefore try to become self controlled.


But it is not so easy to control those feelings. Even though we might have tried to control ourselves in the past, but in the future, in the middle of infuriating situations, we again feel angry.


Feeling disheartened that we cant control our feelings , we again react angrily.


What is the solution? How can we do better?


We can feel better by changing our focus. It is difficult to control how we are feeling, but we definitely strive to control our actions.


Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 05, Text 23  askes us to accept the presence of desire and anger without giving in to them.


When something makes us feel angry or bothers us, resenting that feeling is just fighting in a lost battle, that is because we are already feeling angry and it is not possible to ignore or send away that feeling.


What must be done then?


In spite of trying to control or send away that feeling, if we acknowledge that feeling and give it an identity that yes “The feeling of anger is there inside me and xyz person or thing has triggered it,” we will be fighting a battle where there are chances to win, means:


“Even though I am feeling angry, how can I act wisely?


Let’s understand how this strategy works:


Let us compare our emotional reactions with our physical reactions.


In case our body is sensitive to the cold weather, whenever there is a drop in the  temperature, we start shivering.


Now, if we keep trying not to feel cold, is a lost battle, because we can’t change our body’s sensitivity. But just because we are feeling cold doesn’t mean that we will quit whatever we are doing. We can certainly find a way to preserve ourselves from feeling cold by putting on warm clothes and continuing our work.


In the same way, whenever we feel angry, we can still continue or carry on with whatever we are doing, by putting on an emotional shield.


What we need to do to shield ourselves emotionally?


We are souls, eternal parts of lord Krishna. In order to shield ourselves emotionally, We need to go deep within ourselves, to our core identity.


When we connect devotionally with Krishna, we get inner security and peace that shields us amongst the various dualities like, heat & cold, pleasure & pain, honor and dishonor( Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 06, Text07 ).


According to ( Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 05, Text 26 ), We gradually become purified and transcend all the troublesome emotions by staying devotionally attached to lord Krishna.

What we fear reflects what we hold dear

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 16, Text 11

The Bhagavad Gita, 16.11, explains that as long as we are going to be attached, we will be fearful.


Whenever we start experiencing fear, we allow that fear to activate our imagination and feel overwhelmed. Our fears always point towards something that we hold very close to ourselves.


What can our fears tell us about Ourselves?


If we use our fears as an inspiration to introspect ourselves, we can find out:


  • What we are attached to?


  • What is so special about the object, that it attracts us so much?


How does Bhagavad Gita’s knowledge inspire us to redirect our attachment?


The study of Bhagavad Gita, allows to understand that whatever pleasures or shelter we are expecting to get from the object we are attracted towards, we can get all that pleasure and infact much more from Krishna.




Because he is the source, source of all shelter, pleasure and attractiveness (BG 10.41).


The long standing process of Bhakti Yoga allows us to make Krishna our supreme object of attachment and start seeing all our other attachments in relationship to him.


So, does becoming attached to Krishna means that we don’t take any practical measures to deal with our fears?




It simply means, that only practical measures, alone, are not enough – we also need  to take transcendental measure to spiritualize our  attachments, by means of practicing Bhakti Yoga.


How does attachment to Krishna calm us amidst our fears?


The consistent practice of bhakti results in divine attachment with Krishna  and directs our consciousness to flow naturally towards the Supreme personality of Godhead.


This flow of consciousness towards him, calms us amidst fearful situations. This is because we start understanding that he is the supreme spiritual reality and always resides us inside our hearts.


It does not matter how fearful the things are and how much they try to threaten us, he always remains our supreme well wisher and is competent enough to bring good even in the worst of the situations.


Therefore, when we are attached to Krishna, we become better in tolerating and transcending our fears.


The uncertainty of the material world still remains there, but our attachment towards the uncertain material world ends.

We are not products of our situations; we are products of our decisions

Bhagavad Gita, chapter 18, shloka 58

Whenever we come across various difficult situations in our life, we start feeling negative emotions like anger, irritation, self-pity. Even though such feelings may appear to be natural they do not have the right determine our consciousness.

There is no doubt that the situations and their associated emotions will certainly affect our consciousness but we can still choose what we have to focus our thoughts onto.

Unfortunately, most of the time we, unknowingly let our thoughts be obsessed with our negative emotions and hence end up even feeling more worst then what the situation actually demands for.

If we keep dwelling ourselves onto those negative emotions, it becomes a habit. We should keep a check on how often we dwell ourselves onto those emotions. 

Negative emotions are similar to the psychological emotions. Just like, if we keep scratching or rubbing our physical wounds they become even worse, if we keep worrying all the time about our negative emotions, our psychological wounds become worse.

If we allow our emotions to heal in spite of worrying about them all the time, they get healed in the due course.

So what we need to do in order to facilitate such healing?

We need to decide, to consciously redirect our thoughts towards something beyond those difficult situations.

How does Bhagavad Gita’s knowledge help us in such  decision – making?

Bhagavad Gita helps us to understand that we are much bigger than our situations – bigger not in an egoistic sense but in an integral sense.

According to Bhagavad Gita, we are eternal spiritual beings, part and parcel of the Supreme eternal being, Krishna; whereas our situations, no matter how worst and stressful they are, are temporary.

So complementing the above said statement the Bhagavad Gita offers was the time-honored process of Bhakti-yoga, through which we can redirect our thoughts towards Krishna. 

When, with full consciousness, we decide to focus our thoughts onto him, we regain inner strength to calmly face our difficulties & intelligently find the best way forward.

The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Shloka 58 , assures us that when we become conscious of him, by his grace, we will cross over all the obstacles.

Therefore, our consciousness, our attitude & ultimately our destiny are not determined by our situations, but by our decisions.

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